Problem of the Month (March 2017)
Consider tilings of an n×n square with integer squares, where there is a unique largest square of side k. Define a decreasing square path to be a sequence of k squares, of sides k through 1, where each pair of consecutive squares touch along an edge. What tiling of an n×n square maximizes the number of decreasing square paths? In particular, what is the largest possible number of decreasing square paths of length k in tilings of arbitrarily large squares? What are the answers for triangle tilings? What about other reptiles?
Solutions were received from Joe DeVincentis, George Sicherman, and Maurizio Morandi.
Decreasing Square Paths
 1 path
| n=3
 4 paths
| n=4
 8 paths
| n=5
 8 paths
 14 paths
| n=7
 24 paths
| n=8
 30 paths
| n=9
 36 paths
 40 paths (JD)
| n=11
 50 paths (GS)
| n=12
 67 paths (GS)
| n=13
 81 paths (MM)
 97 paths (MM)
| n=15
 108 paths (MM)
| n=16
 116 paths (MM)
Decreasing Equilateral Triangle Paths
 1 path
| n=3
 2 paths (GS)
| n=4
 6 paths (GS)
| n=5
 6 paths (GS)
 9 paths (GS)
| n=7
 13 paths (GS)
| n=8
 19 paths (GS)
| n=9
 27 paths (MM)
If you can extend any of these results, please
e-mail me.
Click here to go back to Math Magic. Last updated 3/22/17.