Here are the best known non-trivial solutions:
Parts | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Shape | ||||||||||
Coverage | 1 | 1 | 1 | .959+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | 1 | .983+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | 1 | 1 | 1 Joe DeVincentis | .984+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) |
Parts | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 1 | .994+ Károly Hajba (Enlarge) | 1 Joe DeVincentis | 1 | 1 | .991+ Livio Zucca (Enlarge) | 1 | 95⁄96 | 1 Joe DeVincentis |
Parts | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Shape | |||||||
Coverage | 1 | .962+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | 1 | .972+ Károly Hajba (Enlarge) | 1 | .985+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | 1 |
Shape | |||||||
Coverage | 1 | 15⁄16 | 1 | .947+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | .942+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | .986+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | 1 |
Parts | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
Shape | ||||||
Coverage | 1 | 1 | .997+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | 1 | .985+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | 1 |
Shape | ||||||
Coverage | .987+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | .971+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | .978+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | 1 | .981+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) | .979+ Maurizio Morandi (Enlarge) |
Parts | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 12 |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 9⁄10 Dick Hess | 15⁄16 Dick Hess | 1 | .976+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .981+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .966+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .994+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 44⁄45 Joe DeVincentis | 1 Joe DeVincentis |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | .928+ Dick Hess Enlarge | 1 Dick Hess | 1 | .977+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .966+ Livio Zucca Enlarge | .860+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 1 | .985+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 1 |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | .871+ Dick Hess Enlarge | 9⁄10 Dick Hess | 1 | .933+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .956+ Livio Zucca Enlarge | 19⁄20 Joe DeVincentis | .968+ Livio Zucca Enlarge | 44⁄45 Joe DeVincentis | 1 Joe DeVincentis |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 9⁄10 Dick Hess | 1–ε Andrew Bayly | 9⁄10 Dick Hess | 24⁄25 Livio Zucca | 14⁄15 | .860+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .949+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 44⁄45 Joe DeVincentis | .970+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 1 | 9⁄10 Dick Hess | 1 | .933+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .967+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .971+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .993+ Livio Zucca Enlarge | 44⁄45 Joe DeVincentis | 1 Joe DeVincentis |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 1 | 15⁄16 Dick Hess | 1 | 1 Dick Hess | .970+ Livio Zucca Enlarge | .966+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .968+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 44⁄45 Joe DeVincentis | 1 Joe DeVincentis |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 1 | .925+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .944+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 1 Dick Hess | .957+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .980+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .979+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 44⁄45 Joe DeVincentis | .984+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 1 | 9⁄10 Dick Hess | 9⁄10 Dick Hess | .908+ Gavin Theobald Enlarge | 14⁄15 | .960+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .950+ Bryce Herdt Enlarge | 44⁄45 Joe DeVincentis | 24⁄25 Bryce Herdt |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 1 | .869+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 1 | 1–ε Livio Zucca | 14⁄15 Joe DeVincentis | 1 | 153⁄160 Joe DeVincentis | .969+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 1 Joe DeVincentis |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | .864+ Dick Hess Enlarge | 9⁄10 Dick Hess | 1 | 24⁄25 Dick Hess | .960+ Livio Zucca Enlarge | .958+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .971+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .989+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 1 Joe DeVincentis |
Shape | |||||||||
Coverage | 1 | 15⁄16 Dick Hess | 1 | 1 Dick Hess | .970+ Livio Zucca Enlarge | .966+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | .968+ Maurizio Morandi Enlarge | 44⁄45 Joe DeVincentis | 1 Joe DeVincentis |
After Joe DeVincentis showed that (1-ε) of a particular hexomino could be covered by 3 pieces, Andrew Bayly proved that at least (1-ε) of any step polyomino could be covered by any number of pieces in this manner. His "proof by picture":
If you can extend any of these results, please e-mail me. Click here to go back to Math Magic. Last updated 3/24/17.