A multi-set code with base B, length L, distance D, and magnitude N is a collection of N multi-sets, each containing L digits from 1 to B, each with pairwise distance at least D. For example, a multi-set code with base B=6, length L=3, distance D=2, and magnitude N=10 is {111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 123, 145, 256, 346}.
Given B, L, and D, what is the largest possible value of N?
This problem came up with B=6 in trying to identify N collections of L dice that were as "far apart" as possible.
When B=1, there is only one possible multi-set, so N=1.
When B=2, the problem is trivial, with N = L/D
When D>L, two strings cannot be distance D, so N=1.
When (1–1/B)L<D≤L, the only multi-sets possible are all the same, so N=B.
Notice below that the the columns are increasing, and the rows and diagonals are decreasing. This can be used to determine which values are most likely to be improved.
Below are the largest-known values of N for a given B, L, and D:
L \ D | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
3 | 4 {xxx, 123} | ||||
4 | 6 {xxyy} | ||||
5 | 7 {xxxxx, 11133, 22233, 12333, 11223} | 4 {xxxxx, 11223} | |||
6 | 10 {xxyyzz} | 6 {xxxyyy} | 4 {xxxxxx, 112233} | ||
7 | 12 {xxxxxx, 1111133, 1111223, 1112222, 1112333, 1122233, 1133333, 1222223, 2222333, 2233333} | 6 {xxxxyyy} | 4 {xxxxxxx, 1112223} | ||
8 | 15 {wwxxyyzz} | 8 {xxxxxxxx, 11111222, 11111333, 22222113, 33333112, 22223333} | 6 {xxxxyyyy} | 4 {xxxxxxxx, 11122233} | |
9 | 19 {xxxxxxxxx, 111111123, 111111222, 111111333, 111112233, 111122223, 111123333, 111222222, 111222333, 111333333, 112222233, 112233333, 122222223, 122223333, 123333333, 222222333, 222333333} | 10 {xxxxxxxx, 111111233, 111112222, 111133333, 111222333, 112222223, 122333333, 222223333} | 6 {xxxxxyyyy} | 4 {xxxxxxxxx, 111222333} | 4 {xxxxxxxxx, 111222333} |
10 | 22 {xxxxxxxxxx, 2233333333, 2222333333, 2222222333, 1222223333, 1222222223, 1133333333, 1122233333, 1122222233, 1112333333, 1112222333, 1112222222, 1111223333, 1111222223, 1111133333, 1111122233, 1111112333, 1111112222, 1111111223, 1111111133} (JR+ML) | 11 {xxxxxxxxxx, 2223333333, 2222223333, 1122222223, 1113333333, 1112223333, 1111122222, 1111113333, 1111111223} (JR+ML) | 7 {xxxxxxxxxx, 2222333333, 1111333333, 1111222222, 1111112233} (JR+ML) | 6 {xxxxxyyyyy} | 4 {xxxxxxxxxx, 1111222333} |
L \ D | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
3 | 5 {xxx, 123} | ||||
4 | 11 {xxyy, 1234} | 5 {xxxx, 1234} | |||
5 | 14 {xxxxx, 11222, 11234, 11333, 11444, 12233, 12244, 13344, 22234, 23334, 23444} | 6 {xxxxx, 11223, 23344} | |||
6 | 24 {xxyyzz, wwwxyz} | 10 {xxxyyy} | 5 {xxxxxx, 112234} | ||
7 | 30 {xxxxxxx, 1111124, 1111133, 1111222, 1111344, 1112234, 1112444, 1113334, 1122222, 1122233, 1122244, 1123333, 1123344, 1134444, 1222234, 1223334, 1223444, 1244444, 1333334, 1333444, 2222233, 2222244, 2223333, 2223344, 2224444, 2333344, 2334444} (MM) | 12 {xxxxxxx, 1112224, 1113333, 1114444, 1123344, 1222233, 2224444, 2233334, 3334444} | 6 {xxxxxxx, 1112223, 2333444} | 5 {xxxxxxx, 1122334} | |
8 | 45 {wwxxyyzz, xxyy1234} (MM) | 16 {xxxxxxxx, 11111222, 11111334, 11112444, 11122333, 11222344, 11333334, 11334444, 12222233, 12244444, 22222444, 22233333, 23333444} (MM) | 11 {xxxxyyyy, 11223344} (MM) | 5 {xxxxxxxx, 11223344} | 5 {xxxxxxxx, 11223344} |
L \ D | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | 7 {xxx, 123, 345} | |||
4 | 16 {xxyy, 1234} (MM) | 6 {xxxx, 1234} | ||
5 | 25 {xxxxx, 11125, 11133, 11144, 11222, 11234, 11455, 12235, 12333, 12445, 13345, 13444, 13555, 22245, 22334, 22444, 22555, 23455, 33344, 33355, 44455} (MM) | 10 {xxxxx, 12233, 11255, 11344, 22445, 33455} | 6 {xxxxx, 12345} | |
6 | 42 {xxxxxx, 111122, 111135, 111144, 111245, 111334, 111555, 112224, 112255, 112335, 112344, 113333, 113455, 114445, 122225, 122233, 122345, 123334, 123555, 124455, 133355, 133445, 134444, 145555, 222234, 222355, 222445, 223333, 223344, 224444, 224555, 233455, 234445, 333345, 333444, 335555, 344555, 444455} (MM) | 16 {xxxxxx, 111222, 111333, 111455, 112444, 122555, 123345, 222333, 222445, 333444, 333555, 444555} (MM) | 7 {xxxxxx, 112233, 114455} | |
7 | 66 {xxxxxxx, 1111125, 1111133, 1111223, 1111244, 1111345, 1111555, 1112222, 1112245, 1112334, 1112355, 1113335, 1113444, 1114455, 1122234, 1122255, 1122335, 1122444, 1123333, 1123445, 1124555, 1133344, 1133455, 1135555, 1144445, 1222224, 1222235, 1222333, 1222445, 1223344, 1223455, 1225555, 1233345, 1233555, 1234444, 1244455, 1333334, 1333355, 1334445, 1344555, 1455555, 2222233, 2222255, 2222344, 2223345, 2223555, 2224444, 2233334, 2233355, 2234445, 2244555, 2333335, 2333444, 2334455, 2345555, 2444445, 3333445, 3334555, 3344444, 3355555, 3444455, 4445555} (MM) | 21 {xxxxxxx, 1111222, 1111333, 1111444, 1111555, 1122334, 1134455, 1222244, 1224555, 1333355, 1334444, 2222355, 2223333, 2244445, 2333445, 2335555, 4445555} (MM) | 10 {xxxxxxx, 1122555, 1133444, 1222333, 2224445, 3334555} | 6 {xxxxxxx, 1122345} |
L \ D | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | 10 {xxx, 123, 145, 256, 346} | |||
4 | 24 {xxyy, 1234, 1256, 3456} (MM) | 7 {xxxx, 1234} | ||
5 | 42 {xxxxx, 11123, 11145, 11224, 11255, 11266, 11334, 11356, 11446, 12223, 12256, 12336, 12345, 13335, 13444, 13466, 13555, 14556, 15666, 22255, 22266, 22335, 22346, 22445, 23344, 23556, 23666, 24446, 24555, 24566, 33346, 33455, 33566, 34456, 44455, 44666, 55566} (MM) | 12 {xxxxx, 11223, 33445, 55661, 11446, 22554, 33662} | 7 {xxxxx, 12345} | |
6 | 80 {xxxxxx, 111125, 111134, 111166, 111223, 111246, 111333, 111356, 111444, 111455, 112226, 112244, 112255, 112336, 112345, 112566, 113344, 113355, 113466, 114456, 115556, 116666, 122224, 122235, 122334, 122366, 122456, 123335, 123446, 123556, 124445, 124555, 124666, 133334, 133366, 133456, 134444, 134455, 135555, 135666, 144466, 145566, 222233, 222256, 222346, 222445, 222555, 222666, 223333, 223356, 223444, 223455, 224466, 225566, 233346, 233445, 233555, 233666, 234566, 244446, 244556, 255556, 256666, 333356, 333444, 333455, 334466, 335566, 344456, 345556, 346666, 444455, 445555, 445666, 555666} (MM) | 23 {xxxxxx, 111333, 111555, 111666, 112236, 114456, 122245, 123444, 133556, 222333, 222666, 223555, 234566, 333445, 333666, 444555, 444666, 555666} (MM) | 10 {xxxxxx, 112233, 114455, 115566, 334466} | 7 {xxxxxx, 123456} |
L \ D | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | 14 {xxx, 123, 145, 167, 246, 257, 347, 356} | |||
4 | 35 {xxyy, 1234, 1267, 1357, 1456, 2356, 2457, 3467} (MM) | 9 {xxxx, 1234, 4567} | ||
5 | 66 {xxxxx, 11122, 11133, 11144, 11155, 11167, 11237, 11256, 11346, 11457, 11666, 11777, 12224, 12236, 12257, 12333, 12344, 12455, 12466, 12477, 13345, 13367, 13557, 13566, 14445, 14467, 15556, 15677, 22233, 22256, 22277, 22345, 22444, 22467, 22555, 22666, 23347, 23356, 23577, 23667, 24456, 25567, 26777, 33344, 33357, 33555, 33666, 33777, 34446, 34457, 34556, 34677, 44477, 44555, 44666, 45667, 45777, 55577, 55666, 66677} (MM) | 17 {xxxxx, 11567, 12277, 13366, 14455, 22335, 22446, 25566, 33447, 35577, 46677} | 8 {xxxxx, 12345} | |
6 | 132 (MM) | 33 {xxxxxx, 111222, 111336, 111577, 112347, 112555, 112666, 114456, 122333, 122444, 122567, 135566, 146777, 222355, 222466, 222777, 233456, 236677, 244577, 333447, 333555, 333666, 335777, 344466, 444555, 456667, 555555, 555677} (MM) | 14 {xxxxxx, 112233, 114455, 116677, 224466, 225577, 334477, 335566} | 8 {xxxxxx, 123456} |
L \ D | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | 16 {xxx, 138, 147, 156, 237, 246, 258, 345, 678} | |||
4 | 50 {xxyy, 1237, 1248, 1256, 1345, 1368, 1467, 1578, 2346, 2358, 2457, 2678, 3478, 3567, 4568} (MM) | 10 {xxxx, 1234, 5678} | ||
5 | 98 (MM) | 22 {xxxxx, 11226, 11347, 11558, 13388, 14466, 16778, 22337, 22455, 23468, 24477, 25667, 33445, 35577, 45788} (MM) | 9 {xxxxx, 12345} | |
6 | 231 (MM) | 46 {xxxxxx, 111222, 111366, 111447, 111555, 111888, 112338, 115677, 122356, 122478, 125588, 126667, 134557, 144488, 145668, 177788, 222337, 222466, 222555, 222888, 223444, 226777, 233345, 234688, 235778, 244567, 333666, 333777, 333888, 334478, 335568, 346677, 444666, 444777, 445558, 457888, 555666, 555777, 666888} (MM) | 16 {xxxxxx, 113388, 114477, 115566, 223377, 224466, 225588, 334455, 667788} | 9 {xxxxxx, 123456} |
L \ D | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | 21 {xxx, 129, 138, 147, 156, 237, 246, 258, 345, 369, 489, 579, 678} | |||
4 | 63 {xxyy, 1246, 1257, 1289, 1348, 1356, 1379, 1459, 1678, 2345, 2369, 2378, 2479, 2568, 3467, 3589, 4578, 4689, 5679} (MM) | 12 {xxxx, 1234, 4567, 1789} | ||
5 | 139 (MM) | 29 {xxxxx, 11288, 11335, 11449, 11677, 12279, 12456, 13478, 15599, 16689, 22366, 22448, 23377, 23589, 33499, 33688, 35567, 44667, 45588, 45779, 78899} (MM) | 11 {xxxxx, 12345, 56789} | |
6 | 310 (MM) | 60 {xxxxxx, 111229, 111333, 111488, 111555, 111777, 112344, 112568, 114579, 114666, 116999, 122366, 123888, 124899, 133468, 135569, 135778, 144467, 167889, 222333, 222444, 222555, 222688, 222777, 222999, 223789, 224569, 233567, 234558, 246678, 255779, 333444, 333555, 333666, 333777, 333889, 334599, 344566, 346779, 366899, 444555, 444999, 445777, 445889, 477888, 555667, 555888, 555999, 566688, 666777, 777899, 888999} (MM) | 21 {xxxxxx, 112299, 113388, 114477, 115566, 223377, 224466, 225588, 334455, 336699, 448899, 557799, 667788} | 10 {xxxxxx, 123456} |
If you can extend any of these results, please e-mail me. Click here to go back to Math Magic. Last updated 9/1/11.