Map Properties Answers

1. States whose name begins with the letter M
2. States that were part of the Louisiana Purchase
3. States that are bigger than all their neighbors
4. States that border exactly 5 other states
5. States that do not contain a National Park
6. States whose name ends in the letter A
7. States that voted differently in the Electoral College since 2000
8. States that contain some land at least one mile above sea level
9. States whose boundaries are not determined by rivers or coastline
10. States in which at least one U.S. President was born
11. States whose postal abbreviation contains the letter N
12. States whose capital city is the largest city in the state
13. States which are more than half federal land
14. States whose names contain exactly 8 letters
15. States with no state income tax
16. States containing more than 10 million people
17. States containing a school in the Big 10 Athletic Conference
18. States that contain part of Interstate 80
19. States with no coastline
20. States that were named after people
21. States that became states sometime in the 1860's
22. States whose names contain the letter Y
23. States that border or contain the continental divide
24. States that were part of the Confederate States of America
25. States that have hosted the Olympics
26. States where felons cannot vote
27. States whose names are two words
28. States which at least partially drain into the Mississippi River
29. States that are officially Commonwealths
30. States where you can be tried as an adult at 17 years of age