Friedman Number Puzzles

A nice Friedman number is one that can written in a non-trivial way using its digits in order, together with some of the symbols + - × / ( ) . Exponentiation and concatenation are also allowed. For example, 127 = -1 + 27. Find the solutions for the other nice Friedman numbers below.

1.  343 2.  736 3.  1285
4.  2187 5.  2502 6.  2592
7.  2737 8.  3125 9.  3685
10.  3864 11.  3972 12.  4096
13.  6455 14.  11264 15.  11664
16.  13825 17.  14641 18.  15552
19.  15585 20.  16377 21.  16384

See the solutions.